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Rolex has had many interesting collaborations and themes when it comes to their collection some being received more than other. One of the most successful collections is the Oyster Submariner, a watch that is specially designed for divers, a watch that celebrates Rolex’s passion for the water world. The watch has a 40 mm case, making it a perfect size for any wrist, big or small.

It is finished with an impeccable stainless steel and can come with several dial colors. It is considered one of the best diver watches in history not only due to its amazing technical features and endurance, but also because it is a beautiful watch, one that became popular even with people who never used the watch while diving. The watch has a 60 year history, appearing for the first time in the early 1950’s.

It was the first water-resistant watch to be able to withstand dives to depths of 100 meters. Since that time, Rolex has greatly improved the technology and materials behind the watch, creating a more durable watch that can reach depths of over 300 meters.

However, in this case it isn’t the technical qualities that made the Submariner such a huge success. The simple elegance and beautiful design are the key features that made it one of the most beloved watches ever released by Rolex.

Such a beautiful watch with such a rich history is bound to come with a hefty price tag. This can make it hard for some people to purchase the watch. A replica is a great alternative for the watch enthusiast that was charmed by looks and history, especially if it is a quality replica. Here we have two watches that will challenge even the best of Rolex experts when it comes to telling them apart. The details on the replica are so precise that there is basically nothing to distinguish it from the original watch other than the highly reduced price tag. The bezel, case and crown are almost identical being placed in exactly the right place and looking the part.

The dial is also identical with everything from the watch numbering to the classic Rolex logo to the hour, minute and seconds hands. They are identical even down to the Submariner writing on the dial, where the maximum 300 meter depth is specified. The belt is also spot on with the three piece linked pattern being exactly the same as on the original. Like the original Submariner, the replica is finished in a polished stainless steel that will increase its aesthetic value as well as its durability. is a very nice looking replica store that offers a very large selection of fake watches. It has all the things we usually search to get from a fake watches company, or at least this is what we see at first glance. Let’s find out more about this replica site! The company offers a very wide range of watch brands. This usually prevents online stores from being very selective about the quality of their replicas.

Not all fake brands can be made with the same degree of quality and accuracy; usually the most popular ones are also the most exact because the replica factories got the chance of specializing in manufacturing their best-selling models. Its website is very modern and friendly, just the right look for a very professional online replica watches store. I like very the colorful sliding banners, the simplicity of its layout and the high usability. You can find the desired products and information in just a few clicks.

These Japanese replicas cost about $100-$250 while the Swiss ones are over $400. The supported payment options are Visa, Mastercard, Western Union and Bank Wire. For Western Union there is a 10% discount while for Bank Wire you get 8% off. Unfortunately, the company cannot be contacted by phone or live chat. You can only contact Customer Care using the Contact Form available in the user account section from the website.

When it comes to shipping, you can either choose to send it Express for a $25 fee by EMS, FEDEX or TNT- in which case your order will be delivered in about 6-10 working days. Or you can opt for registered speed post at a price of $10 and your package will be delivered in 10-15 working days by air mail. The great thing about ordering from is that the company offers a 7 days refund policy and a 6 months free repairs warranty. If you are not happy with the replica then you must send it back within the first 7 days and you will be refunded.

After this time period you can repair the watch if you notice any manufacturing defects. It is my impression that could be a very reputable online replica store. I say this because the site lists a very large selection of fake watches, the products have decent prices, there are many different payment methods available, and there is also a 7 days refund policy and a 6 months free repairs warranty. What I do not like about this store are the unprofessional customer service and the pricey shipping options. Prestige, power and richness these are the things that define a great watch these days. But it shouldn’t be the only thing that counts.

It shouldn’t be the reason why we can’t have our dream watch. Back in the days, a timepiece was more about beauty, reliability and durability. A good watch was affordable to anyone and its value wasn’t dictated by its name, but by its utility. Times have changed thought. And now the best watches are reserved only for those who can afford it, for the wealthy ones.

We, regular watches aficionados, are discouraged by an outrageous price tag which, in some cases, has a figure higher than our yearly income. So it’s no wonder that replica watches companies thrive getting better and better at manufacturing high quality automatic timepieces that keep accurate time and look impeccable. Some of these knockoffs are true masterpieces capable of functioning just as the real ones do and the best part is that they cost only a fraction of the price. The real trick here is telling apart the good replicas from the bad ones, finding an online store you can actually trust, one like, my most recent discovery. Did I get your attention? Continue reading and I will tell you all about it.

Has a very simple and intuitive design. It is the kind of website that goes easy on the eye. It lets you focus on the important things and doesn’t blind you with useless banners, flashing buttons or other loud design elements. When you go on its homepage you see a fresh, clean layout with white and gray colors, a big and well balanced banner in the center, a plain top menu bar, simple logo and a few discrete sponsored product pictures in the lower side of the page. Everything is light and in perfect symmetry so that you can enjoy and concentrate on the thing that matters most: finding the perfect replica watch. This being said, the store keeps things uncomplicated even when searching through its selection of Japanese replica watches. The collection isn’t very big.

There are 6 available brands on the site and their names are Rolex, Panerai, Tag Heuer, Omega, Hublot and Breitling. I am sure you can agree that these are some of the world’s most notorious and desired watch companies around and you were probably looking to buy one of their watches anyways. Furthermore, every brand is organized into sub-collections and when you roll the cursor over one of the names in the top menu bar the sub-categories appear so you can click on one of them and start browsing. It can’t get simpler than that. In a couple of clicks you’re half way closer to owning your favorite replica watch. has really good prices for its fake timepieces. If you are familiar with replica watches stores you have probably noticed that most Japanese movement knockoffs are priced around $200-$300.

This merchant makes your purchasing decision even easier by staying slightly under the market’s average price and asking $170-$250 for its knockoffs. On its website we find Japanese automatic movement replica watches, manufactured from solid stainless steel and with a very authentic look. All of these are enough to convince us that it is a good source for buying imitation timepieces, but the fact that it offers such affordable prices makes us not waste our time and want to order one right now. One thing you should never ignore about a replica watches store is its return policy.

This is one of the most important things when you buy something online, especially a knockoff. I mean, there are tons of reasons why you might want to return a product. Because of this, you need to be sure that you are entitled to a refund if you change your mind about the fake watch. Luckily, this replica website offers a 14 days return policy. It gives you the reassurance that it stands behind it products. If you are not happy with the quality then they will make things right and give your money back.

Another essential aspect of its return policy is that it doesn’t include ridiculous conditions that prevent you from returning it, like other stores do. There are so many online replica shops that won’t accept your return just because you do not like it or because you changed your mind. They claim that the only acceptable return reason is when the watch is defective. But not This merchant says loud and clear on its page that as long as you send it back within 14 days of receipt they will gladly issue a refund for the whole amount you have paid for it, without applying any unfair restocking fees. You should also pay attention to the delivery conditions when you order a replica watch.

You need to know how long it takes to arrive and how much it costs before placing the order. Different companies have difference shipping costs and delivery times. In this case, this replica company can ship packages worldwide with two main International carriers: EMS and UPS.

The estimated delivery time is 7-10 days and a tracking number is provided. This is very good as you will want to know at all times where your package is and the tracking number does the trick. It tells you every step your order takes in its delivery process.

Also, the shipping isn’t free and, honestly, I do not know that many online sites that offer free shipping these days. So I’m not actually surprised. At least, this store has decent shipping rates that vary according to the destination country. I am sure I’m not telling you something new when I say you should never buy a replica on the Internet before actually speaking to a customer support person. When a company has good customer care you know you can trust it.

No one would invest time, money and effort into customer services if they don’t actually care whether you’re happy with the order or not. As long as they answer you inquiries you have the certainty that you can count on them for delivering good quality products. After a few conversations with its representatives by live chat and email I came to the conclusion that this replica watches website offers very good customer support.

Its agents were always very helpful and professional when dealing with my concerns. They took the time and patience to answer my questions every time, and I was overall very satisfied with the services they provided. After taking a very close look at I came to the conclusion that this website is a reputable Internet store that carries a pretty diversified and appealing collection of best-selling designer replica watches are very affordable prices.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that it is a trustworthy company. You don’t even have to be a very experienced replica shopper like me. You just have to take a look at its money back guarantee and start a few chats with its customer support team to realize that this store is all about offering the best possible services and products. And I am pretty sure that after your first order many other return purchases will follow. is a totally different kind of fake watches website.

It is a store that knows how to be a true professional, provide high quality replicas for extremely high prices. If you are a huge Rolex fan then this is an online shop you may want to check out.

Quality: This company sells only and its collection is focused on quality. It offers only the most popular Rolex designs that were ever made and these are accompanied by very clear pictures, videos and detailed descriptions. Of course, this is not a place for cheap bargains. This site offers only premium Swiss Rolex replica watches and the prices reflect this.

The Swiss automatic movement fake watches displayed on cost between $1,000 and $1,300. Usability and Design of the site: The website appears to be complex, but it is actually quite simple. The design is a very clean and fresh one with a light colors scheme, extra-large pictures, simple menus and lots of guides for the quality available for these watches. And the page is also very easy to use and very intuitive. You can quickly see all the relevant information and access the desired sections in just a couple clicks. Service: doesn’t disappoint, not even when it comes to Customer Service. The website can be contacted by chat, phone number or email.

This is such good news! The site looks great, the products are clearly of very good quality and the prices pretty stiff so obviously no one would dare order such a knockoff without being able to contact the company first. Payment: When you order a Rolex Swiss automatic movement replica watch from this shop, you have the option of paying by Visa, Mastercard, Western Union and Bank Wire. And there’s more!

All Western Union and Bank Wire payments get a 15% discount. Shipping: ships packages for free no matter what your destination country is. All orders are shipped with EMS and the estimated delivery time is 7-10 business days. A tracking number is provided for all packages and the delivery is guaranteed.

In case, it is lost or seized, it will be reshipped free of charge. Return Policy: The store offers a 14 days return policy for all its replica watches. During the first 14 days you can return the goods and request a full refund or an exchange. Of course, like any self-respecting company, it also has a free repairs warranty. When you order you can opt either for the standard 2 years warranty or pay $90 extra and get the extended 4 years warranty. The warranty covers any manufacturing defects.

At the end: Judging by all the facts, seems to be a pretty decent company. Its collection includes a handpicked number of very popular Rolex replica watches equipped with a Swiss automatic mechanism. Indeed, the prices are a very high, compared to other stores. The pictures, videos and descriptions support the superior quality of the knockoffs. The company accepts a diverse range of payments options, ships packages all around the world for free, offers professional customer service, a 14 days return policy and a 2 up to 4 years free repairs warranty. I am very demanding when it comes to my replica watches. For me, quality is everything.

Sure, I know that a knockoff is just a knockoff, but I still expect it to be a considerably good watch. Reliability, durability, accuracy and 1:1 aesthetics are just a few of the qualities that I’m going after every time I order a new imitation watch. This is why I don’t just order a replica timepiece. For me, this means much more.

I research the web, I study the company’s website very carefully, I test its customer services and I always, but always, make an informed decision. And almost every time the results manage to pleasantly surprise me. Almost every time, I end up receiving a beautiful replica watch that exceeds my expectations and makes me realize that my time and effort were well spent.

Now, my attention has been caught by a very interesting replica watches website that looks quite promising. Its name is and at first glance it appears to be the kind of imitation timepieces website that knows how to balance the 3 most important things in Internet shopping: good prices, decent product quality and friendly customer services.

I am really anxious of finding more about this online store and I invite you all to join me on this replica watches website review. Looks are important. There is no point in denying it, especially, when we’re talking about an e-shop. The first thing that we see, the homepage, is the thing that makes us conclude if a website is worth our attention or not. We tend to throw a quick look at the site to see if we should continue to browse the collection or simply exit the page.

I know, it is superficial, but in most cases it turns out to be the wisest decision as professional companies tend to invest a lot of resources into their image, even on the Internet. In this case, doesn’t disappoint. It is a nicely designed website that is quite easy on the eye. And its looks are not the only thing that pleases with simplicity.

The store is also very simple to navigate. The intuitive layout of the homepage is the main reason for this. On the top of the page there is a slim menu bar that has buttons for All Brands, Rolex, Breitling, Panerai, Blog and Contact Us. Basically, from here you can depart on your new replica watches shopping adventure.

You can start searching for your much-sought after knockoff; discover more about imitations by reading the blog or find out important information about the company’s policies by contacting Customer Services. It all begins with just one click.

But there is more to the Homepage than utility and ease of access. It also fulfills its aesthetical purpose by including elegant promotional banners with a “20% discount for orders over $260”, two image buttons that organize the fake watches collection into Men and Women models so you can browse them quicker, a new products section on the lower part of the page, a brand Categories bar in the upper left side of the page and a Sale carousel in the lower left side.

Everything is carefully displayed and located as to appeal to online replica shoppers who are on the lookout for their next great imitation timepiece. I was pleasantly surprised to see that offers very affordable prices for all its fake watches. These days, you can hardly find an online store that sells clones under $250. Most of these Asian movement knockoffs cost over $250 so naturally when you come across a website like this one- that has reasonable prices- you tend to feel the need to appreciate it.

I for one, I am quite impressed by the price-quality ratio of its products. The watches cost between $170-$250 and have really nice technical specifications. These are manufactured from solid stainless steel, have a high grade automatic movement, a sapphire crystal and a very authentic looking design. The really neat thing about ordering products from this online replica store is that for orders over $260 you get 10% off.

This discount is confirmed in the shopping cart. Right after you click on the “Add to Cart” button, you can access the shopping cart to view the name, price, stock availability and quantity of the ordered products. There is also a discount coupon box and an Update button for applying further discounts. Also, on the lower part of the Shopping Cart there is a section that mentions the shipping fee and the discount that has been applied to your order total. On the bottom of the page there are the links to the most important informative sections of the site like Shipping, Return Policy, Guarantee and FAQ. Basically, here you will find the most crucial information for ensuring that the company is able to provide the policies, services and quality you need.

Simply click on the Shipping button to find out what are the carriers and costs available for delivery. From what I can tell, this online store sends orders all around the world and it uses Express Air Mail. Usually, the estimated delivery time is about 7-10 business days. Naturally, all packages have a tracking number that can be used to trace its progress online. And the company needs about 2-3 business days to prepare the products for dispatch. The only thing I would improve here is adding a faster delivery option like UPS, DHL or TNT, something that allows you to pay extra and get your order faster like in 4-5 business days. offers a 14 days refund and exchange guarantee. This means that if you have received a replica watch that doesn’t meet your expectations you can simply contact the company’s representatives to request the details for sending it back. Depending on whether you want to get a refund or exchange, once the product is delivered to their headquarters you will be issued a refund or sent a new watch. If you experience any problems with the imitation timepiece after the first 14 days then you are in luck because the merchant is also able to repair the product under the terms and conditions of its 6 months warranty. This replica store managed to surprise me in the most unexpected way. Its customer service is just what you need from an Internet shop. Quick, friendly and reliable.

The live chat button was the first thing I noticed when entering the site. I was connected to one of their representatives named Olivia who was very nice and helpful.

She explained everything to me and clarified all my questions regarding the return policy, shipping process, the quality of the watches and even how to place my order. It is not very often that I come across such decent customer services and it is only fair to mention it.

If I may say, the email communication is also quite good as the answer usually comes back in a couple of hours or at least mine were always received promptly. The only thing I would add here would be a contact phone number, but as long as the emails are answered so quickly and professionally, I really do not mind. Overall, I am quite pleased with Surprisingly, this online fake watches store knows exactly what to offer and say to ensure a superior degree of customer satisfaction.

It appeals with a nicely designed website, it has a diversified selection of knockoffs, attractive prices, worldwide delivery, interesting discounts, a 14 days return policy, 6 months warranty and great customer care. Of course, there is still room for improvements, but I can say with confidence that it is a pretty good place for ordering a replica watch online, one that I would gladly recommend.

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Watches purchased from this store. Rolex Daytona is one of the most famous and sought after watches in the universe. It is the ultimate racing watch, the timekeeping instrument that mixes fashion with functionality.

With over 50 years of tradition and history, this watch is a true legend among legends. Its heritage can be outmatched only by its beauty and ability of breaking unthinkable records. No matter if you like dressy or sporty watches, the Daytona will appeal to the watch passionate in you. The first Daytona series was launched at the beginning of the 60’s and it was produced until the late 80’s. Over the decades what first started as a race car watch turned into a true style statement.

Now it is an extremely loved and appreciated timepiece that evokes luxury and sophistication. To date, the first series was the most famous and popular one that Rolex ever produced.

These watches were printed with a unique four digits serial number that were extremely discussed and studied by watch collectors. In the early 90’s Rolex started producing a second Daytona series which is still being continued, but its popularity can’t outmatch the one of the original series. GENUINE ROLEX DAYTONA Rolex is known as the main sponsor for the Daytona endurance car race, a competition that was the inspiration for the watch’s name. At first, the watch was mainly worn by the drivers and fans that took part in the race, but as its fame continue to grow more and more watches aficionados opted for having a Rolex Daytona on their wrist regardless if they were racing fans or not. Of course, its fame has not attracted only the attention of watches collectors, but also the one of replica manufacturers. This is how the Rolex Daytona became one of the most cloned timepieces in the world. A model that differentiates itself as a highly copied Daytona is the Rolex Daytona Cosmograph with black dial and red hands.

This best seller is the number one choice for countless replica watches shoppers. The only thing is that not all knockoffs are of decent quality. Some of the fake timepieces out there are really bad and when you place an order online you should never take things for granted. Always spend a little time to evaluate the store and products, before submitting the purchase. This is what I usually do and it has always got me very good quality replicas. The last order I have received is a confirmation of my commitment to review all the important facts of an online purchase. I have bought and received a Rolex Daytona Replica that is simply stunning, but enough bragging.

I will let this review say the rest. The Dial The dial of the is clean, but complex. Its amazing functionality is masked by an apparent simplicity, but believe me, there is nothing simple about this watch. This model, in particular, indulge our sight with a beautiful contrast between the smooth black dial and the vibrant red small dials, seconds markers and hands.

As this watch was initially produced for car racing, the dial concentrates an outstanding utilitarian sense. The dial of my Rolex Daytona Cosmograph replica imitates the original one very nicely. When examining and comparing all the details I concluded that the color of the dial, the red details, the three small dials, the wording and fonts are identical to the ones available on the genuine timepiece. The only things different I have noticed are the white luminescent markers at 3, 6 and 9 o’clock. These are squared shaped on the real Daytona whereas on my replica these are slimmer and look more rectangular shaped. The Case Rolex is well-known for its amazing Oyster cases that seal the watch perfectly and protect it from any water and pressure damage up to depths of 100 meters.

Its 904 L solid stainless steel case measures 40 mm in diameter and is manufactured rather as a monobloc middles case that is adorned with a screw down caseback and a screw-down winding crown with a triplock waterproofness system. Furthermore, the watch is equipped with a stainless steel monobloc bezel with engraved tachymetric scale that complements the dial gorgeously.

There are no words to describe the superiority and perfection of the Daytona case design and performances. The truth is that my Rolex Daytona Cosmograph fake will never be as functional and high quality as the original one, but in terms of design it is really good. The case of my replica is manufactured from 440 solid stainless steel which is very similar to the 904L steel used by Rolex. And even if it is not made as a monoblock steel case, it manages to look very sturdy, elegant and beautiful. Including the bezel sports all the right engravings and markings, just as the winding crown has the little crown logo with three dots below it, meaning it is triple lock waterproofed. Of course, this knockoff isn’t waterproofed to 100 meters, but rather to 10-30 meters. The case back is also nicely made.

The 440 solid stainless steel is covered by a green hologram sticker with a printed serial number. The Movement One of the most fascinating things about a Rolex watch is its inside mechanism and the Daytona enjoys one of the most outstanding movements on the market. The Cosmograph Daytona comes with a Rolex caliber 4130 which is a high end self winding mechanical chronograph movement exclusively designed and produced by Rolex. The movement’s reliability and performance is enhanced by the fact that this mechanism has fewer components than a regular chronograph.

Just as all other Rolex Perpetual movements, caliber 4130 is COSC certified as a Swiss chronometer. The distinctive quality of this mechanism is the Paracharom hairspring that enabled a better resistance to temperature variations and shocks. Needless to say, my Rolex Daytona replica doesn’t have the fancy caliber 4130 movement. Instead, it is equipped with a high quality automatic movement without any “pedegree”. The second hand sweeps smoothly, it doesn’t make any ticking sounds, it keeps very accurate time and the power reserve is pretty decent. The Bracelet The bracelet of the original Rolex Daytona is manufactured from 904L stainless steel and it is known as the Oyster bracelet. Its design and robustness are famous.

Rolex uses the highest technology for producing the band and clasp and this is reflected in the comfort, aesthetics and durability it provides. This style of band was first released in the 30’s and it can be described as a broad, flat three piece links bracelet. Equally, the folding Oysterlock safety clasp with an Easylink 5 mm comfort extension link impresses by being both elegant and functional. It is the perfect alchemy of design and utility.

The first difference between the authentic Daytona and the fake watch is that the latter is manufactured from an inferior type of stainless steel. Even though it is very nicely polished, comfy, resistant and heavy, it is just a pale copy of the authentic bracelet. Also, the clasp looks the same, has all the correct markings and is easy to use. The Functionality I like my Rolex Daytona replica.

It works very well. I am very impressed with the functionality.

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Not many replicas manage to be as good as this one. Of course, the winding crown has to be first unscrewed so you can push it – just as the real one does.

Also, the watch keeps proper time. If I don’t wear it for a few days and power reserve is depleted, a few shakes puts the movement back in motion. Really, I am very impressed with its functionality. As with all Japanese replica versions with chronograph, sub-dial don’t have same functions like on genuine watch. The Rolex Cosmograph Daytona with black dial and red hands is a beautiful watch that is famous for its high performance and stylish design so naturally everyone dreams of owning one. I saw my dream come true when I ordered a replica of it. Now, I’m enjoying this beautiful Rolex Daytona knockoff every second I can.

It is a good Rolex imitation. It works very well and looks very authentic. I am, truly, very pleased with it. The Rolex Cosmograph Daytona is the modern man’s first choice for style, performance and distinction.

Since the first days of racing sports, Rolex has been the watch brand that sets the pace for timekeeping innovations and outstanding functionality. For almost a century its chronographs have complemented the wrists of champions and record-breakers, public figures that were proud to wear the iconic Daytona when they were facing a new challenge. Throughout time, this exceptional chronograph watch has been acknowledged as the perfect instrument for setting new records and achieving unimaginable things. GENUINE WATCH The origins of the Daytona name are quite interesting.

Daytona is, actually, the name of a city in Florida where at the beginning of the last century was held one of the most prestigious races in NASCAR. This was called the Daytona 500 and it was hosted on the Daytona International Speedway. As Rolex had a great reputation as the best manufacturer of versatile and durable sports watches that featured an incredible Oyster case, more and more professional racers started wearing its watches while competing in the Daytona 500. Soon its fame caught up and everyone considered Rolex’s chronograph watch as an iconic racing watch and started calling it “the Daytona”.

The brand didn’t miss the opportunity of this association and begun producing the model under the name “Cosmograph Daytona”. To strengthen this connection even more, every Daytona 500 winner was rewarded with a complementary Rolex Daytona. One could say that the success of this watch was inevitable as it was constructed specifically as a driver’s watch with a perpetual self-winding mechanical chronograph movement and the rare ability to simultaneously work both as a stopwatch and as a timepiece. One of my favorite Daytonas is the Rolex Cosmograph Daytona 116523, a stylish accessory that has been designed to indulge your wrist with the classiest instrument of deciphering time and sophistication. How could you resist the impulse of owning one? The model sports a luxurious jet black dial and a revolutionary Rolex’s chronometer rated automatic chronograph movement known as caliber 4130, it is waterproof to 10 meters and- last, but not least- it is fitted with a beautiful gold and steel Oyster bracelet.

You simply can’t go wrong with this watch. It is everything you need to impress. Unquestionably, these are the numerous reasons why a couple of weeks ago I decided to buy a replica of the Rolex Cosmograph Daytona 116523 and I am pleased to say that I already have received and I very eager to share my impressions with you.

The Dial This Daytona 116523 replica is an impressive timepiece that, just as the authentic watch, has a pretty intricate dial. Even though the color of the dial is black, the watch is anything but boring. The jet black dial is a classy choice that leaves room for numerous aesthetical additions such as the three gold color sub-dials: the central sweep hand allows an accurate reading of 1/8 seconds, whereas the other two counters display elapsed 30 minutes and 12 hours. These were designed so that drivers can accurately track times.

Now that we have examined the functional part of the dial, let’s take a look at the aesthetics. To highlight the luxury factor of this incredibly popular racing watch, the dial has been decorated with 18 k yellow gold diamonds, Arabic numeral hour markers at 3 6 and 9 o’clock and yellow gold luminescent hands. Everything suggests class and sophistication. One glance at those 18 k yellow gold diamonds and you’re hypnotized. When we put the replica next to the original watch the dial seems to be pretty close, but there is one small thing that bothers me. The outside circle of the 3 small dials was supposed to be yellow gold color but for some reason on my knockoff it is silver. Even though, I don’t like this difference the truth is that it is only a minor one.

The Case The key attribute of the Rolex Daytona is its uniquely durable 40 mm Oyster case that protects the core of the watch from external damages. Similarly, my is equipped with a sturdy 40 mm stainless steel case that features a triplock winding crown which screws down as to seal the watch tightly and hermetically. The final piece of the puzzle is the scratch resistant crystal that has a dual purpose- it accentuates the beauty of the Daytona replica by offering a clear view of the black dial and it closes the case perfectly as to provide maximum resistance under water. The Bezel The bezel looks very authentic as well. Just as the genuine Cosmograph Daytona bezel, the one on the replica doubles as a tachymeter, meaning, it measures elapsed time over a given distance.

Combined with the chronograph function, you can use the bezel to measure speeds of up to 400km/h. I really think that the 18k yellow gold polished finished bezel accentuates the beautiful design of the watch. The Movement The authentic Rolex Daytona 116523 sports a fascinating caliber 4130 movement which has received the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute’s certification for high-precision. This self-winding mechanical chronograph movement was exclusively designed and produced by Rolex. Compared with a standard chronograph this mechanism has fewer components, thus improving the watch’s reliability.

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Another highlight of this Daytona model is the fact that it features a Parachrom hairspring which offers a better resistance to temperature variations and shocks. Of course, my replica doesn’t enjoy the same high quality caliber 4130 mechanism, the Parachrom hairspring and the other extraordinary technicalities. Mine comes with a very good automatic movement clone, one that keeps pretty accurate time and has the same functions as the real thing, but without the sophisticated and intricate internals. Still, it gets the job done and sometimes this is what matters the most. The Bracelet The Oyster bracelet of the Rolex Daytona replica delivers and impressive level of comfort, comparable to the one offered by the genuine watch. It is elegant and sturdy.

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The three-link Oyster bracelet is crafted from stainless steel and coated with 18 k yellow gold. It nicely wraps around the wrist as to provide that great feeling of luxury and refinement. No matter how much I studied the bracelet of my Daytona knockoff I couldn’t find any noticeable flaws. It really looks nice and durable. The Functionality The Daytona is an incredible watch with very useful chronograph functions. For instance, the upper and lower pushers screw down like the winding crown to ensure waterproofness. One press will start, stop or reset the chronograph.

I was impressed to see that my Daytona 116523 replica works the same way. The small dials are correctly operated by the buttons thus allowing me to accurately count elapsed time. Since the Rolex Cosmograph Daytona was first introduced in 1963 it has always met the demands of professional racing drivers. It is the super stylish and modern watch that helps you measure average speeds of up to 400 km/h with an amazing simplicity and accuracy, the timeless fashion icon that reunites the best of two worlds- motor sports and elegance-, the revolutionary instrument that offers the most innovative functions and, of course, the unquestionable symbol of luxury, power and wealth. What we wear speaks to the world about our success in life so if we want to reflect greatness we need to have a watch that emphasizes classiness and superior performances. This being said, the Rolex Cosmograph Daytona 116523 Black Diamonds is the perfect pick for those who understand that a timepiece is not just an accessory, it is a social business card of an unimaginable value.

Although style and beauty are, as they say, in the eyes of the beholder, nobody can deny that elegant design of Omega Aqua Terra wristwatch is simply stunning. Omega manufactures two version of this model: 41.5mm and 38.5mm. Smaller version replica is not available on replica market, so I’ve bought the one with 41.5mm dial diameter. Checkout the images of this knockoff for comparison and read my review, so you can decide if to go for this replica or to buy something else. GENUINE WATCH REPLICA WATCH The Dial As you can see from the picture of authentic watch, dial color is wrong.

Original Aqua Terra dial is white, while replica color has stainless steel gradation. If you look closer, you’ll notice that hour marking on imitation Omega have much steeper angles and the flat surface is a bit smaller compared to authentic watch. The seconds, hours and minutes hands however, are strikingly similar. Luminescent dots above hour marks are also perfectly replicated.

Date window near 3 o’clock mark is spot on as well as logo, font and rest of the writings. It’s not the case here, but sometimes there are spelling errors on dial writing, for example I once saw an Omage Seamster replica that said “proffesional chronometer ” instead of “professional chronometer”. It’s an easy mistake to make, eh? The Bezel Fortunately for replica manufacturer, the bezel of this watch is not as complicated as on other luxury watches for diver (e.g. Although it’s considered a divers watch, the bezel has no gradations or other etched markings.

No mistake on replica here. GENUINE WATCH Back Case Cover Back Cover of this replica watch is transparent, as it should be.

But what you can observe through the see-through window is totally wrong. Movement and rotor should be steel color, but as you can see on this imitation, the movement is golden. Band & Clasp The weight of the band feels heavy. Omega logo on the clasp is embossed exactly the same way as on genuine watch. Band’s links appearance is also very similar to authentic Omega Aqua Terra. All in all it’s not very accurate replica, mostly because of the wrong color of the dial. It should be white and not grey or steel color.

Another dead giveaway of this knockoff is the color of the movement that is clearly visible through transparent back case window. The right weight and correct markings can’t compensate for these two major shortcomings. If you’re looking for more accurate replica, check out this. My mistake was that I bought Swiss replica version of this watch and got highly accurate ETA 2824-2 mechanism, unfortunately it’s the wrong color. Probably if I would get cheaper, Japanese replica version, the movement would be the right color.